
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Book of Blizender: Chapter 2

So I backed off from these two orcs to get some space to work some magic, literally... but the she-orc (shorc?) came up and smashed the leshy before I could get a spell off, but the dwarf, alchemist by the look of the vials dangling about his person, mixed up a concoction and patched the plant. Which brings the other orc, after barking something in their guttural tongue, up to attempt to hurt this dwarf, who narrowly dodges the blow.  So maybe they're not mooks, as that sounded like a, "Hey, we got a badass sorcerer and friends" comment.  That distraction was enough though for me to unleash the Dragon's Breath spell, channeling a little extra energy to not freeze my new ally.  Of course, it worked to perfection, causing both of them to enter the cold embrace of the grave already chilled. Then the mooks he must've summoned came around the corner, 5 of them bunched all together so pretty, so a Dragon's Breath for them, three of them fully succumb, one of which s...

Homebrew Location - Dungeon Depths

  PF2e Location - Dungeon Depths Placed in a major city of your choice sits the finest dining experience of your life, welcome to the  Dungeon Depths, a culinary adventure.  This plug and play location is a perfect repeatable side quest for your game, easily translated to any setting or system.  I did a baseline in Pathfinder Second Edition, because that’s the game I write for the most. What is the Dungeon Depths? Former adventurer enthusiast and forever gourmand, Govinda Scully, a half-orc chef decided the usual, tavern that served food, and catered to a clientele that broke more furniture than seemed possible, was an outdated concept.  She envisioned a place where the food came first and the alcohol was an accompaniment.  So taking her funds from her adventures and her magical knack, she has bought a building in an affluent district and has begun attracting all sorts of attention. To do this she makes all sort of dishes, but what packs the house is when w...

Random Conversion: Eberron Campaign Setting to PF2E (Armor)

 Moving to part two of my Random converting with the next stage of the Eberron Campaign Setting conversion to 2nd Edition. Part 1 can be found here With the second stage we're staying in Chapter 6 and working through the armor portion. Eberron's basic armor is basically just normal armor made with a couple new special materials, so the challenge for me is to convert them as their listed, crunching the numbers to fit PF2e, but to also then create the special material stats in the 2e format, and fitting the level crunch that they've put into the format. Leafweave So here we have the armor crunched to fit, within the format.  This part was actually pretty easy. Light Armor Price AC Bonus Dex Cap Check Penalty Speed Penalty Strength Bulk Group Armor Traits Leafweave (Lvl 1) 10 gp +1 +5 0 - 10 1 - - Medium Armor Price AC Bonus Dex Cap Check Penalty Speed Penalty Strength Bulk Group Armor Traits Darkleaf breastplate (Lvl 2) 40 gp +4 +2 -1 - 14 1 Plate - Heavy Armor Price AC Bonus...

The Book of Blizender: Chapter 1

 "I'M A DRAGON" Why did I say that?! I'm not a dragon and don't prescribe to an ideaology that just because in my bloodline there's someone who did something with a dragon it makes me one. It's only a genetic quirk and like any recessive gene it just makes appearances in the progeny of those of come after. But in this moment, when this city I happened to be travelling through, just so happens to get attacked by a veritable hoard of orcs, half-orcs, 3/4s orcs, human's of less than favorable moral character, and I think I heard someone scream giant, I got carried away.  Giant's have loot, and typically lead smaller races, so the giant is my target, if I can take down the giant then the people will shower me in praise, adoration, and maybe a small token or two of goodwill.  Nothing to put them out of course, I'm not greedy, but travelling is expensive. So these two mooks(maybe), accost me, I scream out the oddest thing, and luckily there's som...

Preview: The 12 tribes of the Island of Malingorus Mordeaux

 So back in 1st Edition Pathfinder I had a player wanted to play "A panda person... like Kung-fu Panda" and while I found some nifty homebrew stuff I also had the Advanced Race Guide, and all the rules for race creation... So I made him a Panda-man, another player wanted a Penguin person... so she got her wish too... and then it spiraled from there.  I made a quick back story and shunted this island into the world of Golarion for a fun game that is still discussed today. So when I decided I was gonna use Second Edition Pathfinder as a vehicle to potentially publish some works one of the first projects I decided to flesh out is this one. So with the 12 Tribes, I am making 12 ancestries to go with the Pathfinder Second Edition setting. And let me tell you... it is so much harder than Races in 1e.  In 1e, you plug in some abilities and just go.  following a very formulaic system they set up. With 2e that system is still there, but on top of the base stats you have to cr...

Random Conversion: Eberron Campaign Setting to PF2E (Weapons)

 So as you may have figured out, 90% of things I'm posting are randomly generated posts.  I literally roll a dice on an ever evolving table and figure out what I'm gonna write about.  The reason I do this... mainly to entertain myself, and hopefully the very few of you who read this. Today was rolled "Conversion to PF2E".  So I went into my bookshelf and looked, and what jumped out is my old Eberron Campaign Setting, released for 3.5 DND way back in 2004. 12 chapters meant another D12 rolled and it landed on equipment, so I decided to knock out the very first section which is weapons.  So here we go. First off is the categorical changes, no longer called "exotic" all of the listed weapons will be covered under Uncommon Advanced Weapons.  Then we have to number crunch the cost to match the 2E price point.  Finally translate the descriptions, compare to similar weapons, and generate the traits the weapons have.  Talenta Tanget Melee: Uncommon Advanc...

Random Review: Pokemon GO! Eevee Community Day 1

So back in 2016 I decided to join the hype of the newest ish that was Pokemon GO!  Seeing a pile of nerds at local hotspots proudly exclaiming or lamenting catches and losses was a fun diversion during a bad time in my life.   And then I lost interest as the game, just wasn't what I wanted to play at the time. Enter 2021, and a pledge to myself to enter 40 healthier than I was, so to motivate my fat ass to walk more... I redownloaded the app. And I was amazed at the changes, a lot more fun to be had for what I want to do. Now I am not a competitive gamer (anymore, buts that's a different story), so as a casual I don't have a lot of extra apps to "enhance" the game.  The only one I use is PokeRaid, to help find raids, or host, for the legendaries I want to catch. Which brings me to today... COMMUNITY DAY.  A day where a certain pokemon is spotlighted, shiny chances are dropped to manageable 1/20 rather than the standard 1/500? and Professor Willow's meat grinde...

Random Monthly Used RPG: RIFTS Sourcebook Number One

 I love random, the surprise of not knowing what's gonna roll, or what shows up as a gift.  So when I found an ad for the Random Used RPG box I had to sign up.  Now over the past few months I've gotten some winners, haven't been disappointed once.  I might wagon wheel back and write up what has come before on the days I feel like writing and nothing is coming to mind, but until then we move onto the new (yet still old) hotness. So every month something shows up and with glee I unwrap the box and see what goodies appear. Today is that day and I opened up an oldie from 1991... the RIFTS Sourcebook Number One by Kevin Siembieda and presented by Palladium Books.  Cover Art by Kevin Long. The cover has some minimal damage, a crease and some small stains. There are light stains on the page edges, but no writing or damaged pages.  For a 20 year old softcover book, solid shape. Now for me, this is the first Palladium product I have in my current collection, so I ca...

Random Starfinder Planet: Miturn VI

Had so much fun with the first one I decided to try another one. Brought to you by Paizo's Deck of Many Worlds, I bring you another planet to drop into Starfinder (or other RPG). Name: Miturn VI Type: Terrestrial Diameter: 1/3x Mass: 1/3x Gravity: Low Atmosphere: Thick Day: 22 Hours Year: 309 Days Biomes: Airborne, aquatic, arboreal, arctic, desert, forest, marsh, mountain, plains, subterranean Magic: Low Accord: Several Divisions (based along company lines) Alignment: LN Religion: Low Tech: Highly Technological (Interstellar Travel) Sapients: Ysoki, Dessamar Imago, Shobhad, Gosclaw, Barathu Threats: Frujai, Mountain Eel, The Swarm, Comanide, Shodrav, Glitch Gremlin The earth-like planet of Miturn VI is a high functioning technological multi-corporatocracy. With each company carving a portion of t, he planet for their interests.  Each of the 6 companies have control of one of the other 6 planets in the system, leaving their industrial espionage for the reaches of space… mostly...