Random Monthly Used RPG: RIFTS Sourcebook Number One
I love random, the surprise of not knowing what's gonna roll, or what shows up as a gift. So when I found an ad for the Random Used RPG box I had to sign up. Now over the past few months I've gotten some winners, haven't been disappointed once. I might wagon wheel back and write up what has come before on the days I feel like writing and nothing is coming to mind, but until then we move onto the new (yet still old) hotness.
So every month something shows up and with glee I unwrap the box and see what goodies appear.
Today is that day and I opened up an oldie from 1991... the RIFTS Sourcebook Number One by Kevin Siembieda and presented by Palladium Books. Cover Art by Kevin Long.
Now for me, this is the first Palladium product I have in my current collection, so I can't prep a game and dive into it, so I'll peruse it and place it on the shelf, or will I?
So to use this as intended I would need to find the RIFTS Rules, now with a quick search I can get the PDF online for a fair price, but alas I prefer to have hard copy. Call me old fashioned if you will, but there's something so visceral about shuffling the pages of a book.
Now I've thumbed through the book, the setting stuff (fluff) is fun to read, and the stats (crunch) go over my head... but I know how I can use it now. RIFTS was brought into the modern age with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition or SWADE as those who like brevity. PEG had brought it back to fit into their generally universal system, and I just so happen to know a guy who owns it all.
So with that the fluffy bits can be worked in and the crunchy bits can be adapted, so maybe this book will be seeing some use sooner rather than later.
Not enough knowledge of the setting to add it to my random table of random creations (yes I roll on a table to figure out what I'm gonna create when I don't have any concrete stuff.
If you want to join in on the fun check out rpgrpgrpg.com to join the monthly or weekly used RPG subscription (which I might be switching to weekly soon).
Interested in the Old School RIFTS PDFs? https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2627/Palladium-Books/subcategory/4816_5190/Rifts
Interested in RIFTS for SWADE? https://peginc.com/savage-settings/rifts/
*Random Acts of Nerdom has received no compensation from any sources tagged for this post.
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