Random Conversion: Eberron Campaign Setting to PF2E (Armor)

 Moving to part two of my Random converting with the next stage of the Eberron Campaign Setting conversion to 2nd Edition.

Part 1 can be found here

With the second stage we're staying in Chapter 6 and working through the armor portion.

Eberron's basic armor is basically just normal armor made with a couple new special materials, so the challenge for me is to convert them as their listed, crunching the numbers to fit PF2e, but to also then create the special material stats in the 2e format, and fitting the level crunch that they've put into the format.


So here we have the armor crunched to fit, within the format.  This part was actually pretty easy.

Light ArmorPriceAC BonusDex CapCheck PenaltySpeed PenaltyStrengthBulkGroupArmor Traits
Leafweave (Lvl 1)10 gp+1+50-101--
Medium ArmorPriceAC BonusDex CapCheck PenaltySpeed PenaltyStrengthBulkGroupArmor Traits
Darkleaf breastplate (Lvl 2)40 gp+4+2-1-141Plate-
Heavy ArmorPriceAC BonusDex CapCheck PenaltySpeed PenaltyStrengthBulkGroupArmor Traits
Darkleaf splint mail (Lvl 2)60 gp+5+2-2-5 ft.162Composite-
The next step is to translate the two new special materials into the correct format...

Bronzewood leaves treated in a special alchemical process that makes them as tough and flexible as leather, with considerably less encumbrance.

Type leafweave bunch Price 5 gp Bulk L
Type leafweave bushel Price 50gp Bulk 1
Type low-grade leafweave object Level 1 Price 10 gp per bulk
Type standard-grade leafweave object Level 6  Price  125 gp per bulk
Type high-grade leafweave object Level 14 Price 3,500 gp per Bulk
Thin Items

Darkleaf is made of carefully cured and beautifully carved leaves of the darkwood tree, making them almost as hard as steel.  The process on how to treat these leaves though, is a closely guarded secret. Armor made from darkleaf gain a +1 to the Dex cap, -1 check penalty, reduce the speed penalty by 5 ft, and reduce the bulk by 1. The price of an item made of darkleaf is based on the item's normal Bulk, not it's reduced Bulk for being made of darkleaf, but reduce the Bulk before making any further Bulk adjustments for the size of the item.

Type darkleaf bunch Price 10 gp Bulk L
Type darkleaf bushel Price 100gp Bulk 1
Type low-grade darkleaf object Level Price 20 gp per bulk
Type standard-grade darkleaf object Level 7  Price  250 gp per bulk
Type high-grade darkleaf object Level 15 Price 4,500 gp per Bulk

Thin Items

Here's how I came to this... Rare because of it being homebrew conversion, this way if a player finds this and wants to bring it to the table, it is only allowable by GM fiat.  I do that with most of my homebrew stuff because I'm not taking the time needed to playtest for balance. 

The effects are there to closely match the feel of Eberron without breaking the way PF2e does things.  The hardness tables are matching basic leather goods for the leafweave and silver for the darkleaf. 

This last part was the hardest and caused the most rethinking, and even now I'm feeling second guessy with my choices, but for now it's done.

Whatcha think?

See you next time for more random.

*Image used from findle.fandom,com no further information available, used under creative commons


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